
Friday, November 19, 2010

Amazing Love

“I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; 
I was found by those who did not seek me.
To a nation that did not call on my name, I said, ‘Here am I, here am I.’ 
[Isaiah 65:1]

We all at one point or the other in our lives have faced some form of rejection and either we told ourselves or people advised us to just walk away, because we deserve better. Yet not so with our Father, the pages of the bible hold so many instances where He was rejected by those who needed Him the most, our live stories reveal several situation when we have walked away from His open arms, yet His love never fails, it never dwindles. His is a love that remains forever.

Imagine a love that reaches out when it has not been sought out (Isaiah 65:1), a love that forgives grievances and speedily embraces the one who has done wrong (Luke 15:21-24), a love that gave up its life for those who neither regarded or deserved His sacrifice (Luke 23:39-43), that is the love of our Father.

Today, let us celebrate that love, Let us rejoice in the fact that we have been given the grace to be recipients of that love. How much of Him have we surrounded ourselves with lately, how much attention have we given to the one who has us forever engraved in the palm of His hands, His love is amazing and He desires to fill us with this love.

Embrace the Father anew today, if for nothing else, for the fact that He loved you even when you were not worthy of love

Prayer: Father, I rejoice in Your love, for it is a love that purifies, a love that strengthens a love that completes. I do not know where I would have been today if it had not been for Your love and so I just want to say thank You. Teach me to love you more deeply, I don't want to settle for less, open my heart to know you deeper, to love you more dearly and to understand you more clearly. Amen

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Nov. 19 2010 - Psalms 45 - 46 (OT) , Matthew 8 (NT).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Knowing The Love Of Christ

That you may really come to know practically, through experience for yourselves, the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge...

There are many Christians today to whom God is not real. What they know about God is through what others have said or by reading the bible without revelation from the Holy Spirit. Some rely on apparently "stronger" Christians for prayers and revelations. But our loving Father desires a one-on-one relationship with all of His children.

The words of Paul spoken to the Ephesians, are applicable to us today. Having understood and experienced for himself the love of God, he knows that only when we children of God experience the love of Christ for ourselves that we will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. He knew for himself the exceeding greatness of the love of Christ, the unsearchable riches of his love, which is higher than heaven, deeper than hell, longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. Our desire hence should be to comprehend this love, and have a complacency and a confidence in the love of Christ by experiencing Him for ourselves.

Take some time to consider who God is to you. What is your relationship like with your loving Father? Do you want to know more of Him? Do you want to experience Him for yourself? Sometimes, experiencing God may occur through a challenging or a trying situation in your life. If that is how God chooses to show Himself to you, do not fear for when He has tried you, you will come forth as gold.
Prayer: My Loving Father, I thank You for Your love which You have bestowed on me. As I walk continually with You, may I experience for myself the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. May I be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from You. If I will experience You through a challenging or trying situation in my life, I pray Father that You strengthen me to endure what I pass through even for the joy set before me. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Little But Great

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!

In the bible passage for today, God instructs His own to go to the ants to learn a lesson or two from them. The ants are much smaller in size and estate than a human being, but in asking us to go learn from the ants, it means there is something the head can learn from the tail. There is something the leader can learn from the follower, there is something the boss can learn from the subordinate. To learn such a lesson, the child of God would need to overcome pride. God wants each one of us to set pride aside and learn lessons from people or things we would otherwise consider inconsequential. With an open mind towards people we consider less than ourselves we could learn vital lessons of life that bring breakthrough and great wisdom.

Another lesson we learn from the passage today is the great feat the ant accomplishes with wisdom. The ant is tiny in size, but this does not hinder it from accomplishing great things. A disadvantaged aspect of life does not form an excuse for the ant to suffer and die in times of need. What is that thing that seems to you like a disadvantage, a hindrance from accomplishing your dreams and God-given purpose in life? God's word teaches us to learn a lesson from the ant, to know that we have what it takes to overcome our limitations and fulfill our lives expectations.

Ask God for wisdom today according to His word in James 1:5, to overcome that limitation that stands before your goal, whether it is your physical size, financial status or educational background. If ants can achieve, you too can achieve greatness in your generation. Your circumstance will not limit your performance, achievement or destiny as you link up with the Almighty God.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your encouragement today. By your word and love, I set aside the limitations in my life. I embrace your wisdom and power to achieve my goals, purpose and destiny according to your will. I give you the glory for every great work in my life in Jesus' name.

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Nov. 17 2010 - Psalm 41 - 42 (OT) , Matthew 6 (NT).

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


“Arise, shine, for your light has come, 

   and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. 

[Isaiah 60:1]

Elizabeth was of the daughters of Aaron, married to Zacharias, a priest, both from priestly lineage, both worthy of God's abundance of blessings, yet they remained barren for many years, long into their advanced years.

The woman with the issue of blood for twelve years, twelve years of being the subject of pity and maybe disgust, twelve years maybe of people wondering what wrong she might have done to bring this "curse" upon herself, twelve years of running around for solution but to no avail.

These people knew and understood shame, they had been openly cast out, there was no way to conceal their lot. Maybe you can relate too, cos today it seems like you are that person whom your struggle has singled you out. Maybe there are whispers and looks of pity when you pass by, and when people want to describe you they describe you by your situation. 

Today, I dare you to rise from that shadow, rise from that silence and shame. Shake off the cloak of defeat and exchange it for the cloak of rejoicing, satan intends to hold you down but God intends to lift you up, but it all begins with you, what choice are you making?

Others may define you by what they presently see but how does God define you? Others may call you a victim but God calls you a victor, whose voice would you adhere to?

Truth is, when we begin to redefine ourselves by God's true definition of who we are, others have no choice but to begin to see and accept that definition, the Lord will arise over you and His glory would be seen upon you (Isaiah 60:2), cos His glory shines through no matter where we are.

The devil intended to subdue you, God intends for you to arise, shine, for your light has come with the victory of Christ on the cross

Prayer: Father, today, I walk upright as the victor that I am in you, I am not a function of my present circumstance but I am who You say I am, a child of the King, a victor, born with purpose for purpose. People might not see it now, I might not see it either, this storm may seem so overwhelming right now, but You word is final and sure and I choose to walk in that truth. I bless You for Your grace that strengthens me.

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Nov. 16 2010 - Psalm 39 - 40 (OT) , Matthew 5 (NT).

Monday, November 15, 2010

As You Go About Your Everyday Work

Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law...and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush...
Exodus 3:1-2, NIV]

The vision of the Angel of the Lord came to Moses while he was involved in his everyday work. That is exactly where the Lord delights in giving His revelations. He seeks a man traveling an ordinary road, and “suddenly a light from heaven” (Ac 9:3) shines on him. And a “stairway resting on the earth” [Ge 28:12] can reach from the marketplace to heaven, transforming a life from one of drudgery to one of grace.

Some Christians think they must always be on the mountaintop of extraordinary joy and revelation, but this is not God's way. Those high spiritual times and wonderful communication with the unseen world are not promised to us, but a daily life of communion with Him is. And it is enough for us, for He will give us those times of exceptional revelation if it is the right thing for us.

There were only three disciples allowed to see the Transfiguration, and the same three also experienced the darkness of Gethsemane. No one can stay on the mountaintop of favor forever, for there are responsibilities in the valley. Christ fulfilled His life's work not in the glory but in the valley, and it was there He was truly and completely the Messiah.

The value of the vision and the accompanying glory is its gift of equipping us for service and endurance.

Prayer: My Loving Father, help me to expect you as I travel the ordinary road of life. I am not asking for sensational experiences. Fellowship with me through my everyday work and service, and be my companion when I take an ordinary journey. And let my humble life be transformed by Your presence. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Do Not Be Anxious About Anything

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.
Beloved child of God, anxiety should not be found in you. There may be numerous, enormous or diverse trials, afflictions, and difficulties surrounding you, but your loving Father does not want anxiety to exist in you under any circumstance. You have a Father in heaven who is almighty, who loves His children as He loves His “one and only Son” and whose complete joy and delight it is to continually assist His children under all circumstances. Can you add a single hour to your life by being anxious? [Paraphrase Matthew 6:27]

The scripture for today reminds you not to be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, that you should present your requests to God. The word is a reminder that “In everything”—not simply when your house is on fire or when your loved ones are in grave need, but even in the smallest matters of life. You are to take everything to Your Father - little things, very little things, even what the world calls insignificant things. You should develop something of a spiritual instinct, causing you to immediately turn to God when a concern keeps you awake at night. During those sleepless nights, speak to your Father, bring your various concerns before Him, no matter how small they may be. Also speak to the Lord about any trial you are facing or any difficulties you may have in your family or professional life.

The scripture for today is a reminder to make definite requests, earnestly plead, persevere, endure and wait on God, for indeed He will come through for you. You are also reminded to be thankful. Even if you have no possessions, there is one thing for which you can always be thankful—that He has saved you a life of eternal damnation. You can also give thanks that He has given His Holy Word, His Holy Spirit, and the most precious gift of all—His Son. When you ponder on all these, you will have abundant reasons for thanksgiving.
The promise when you heed His word, when you cast all your cares upon Him and let go of anxiety, is that "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” [Phil 4:7]. This is such a wonderful, genuine, and precious blessing that to truly know it, you must experience it, for it “transcends all understanding.”

Prayer: My Loving Father, I thank You for my life, for Your Holy Word and Your Holy Spirit that has kept me. I thank You for the precious gift of Your Son whose sacrifice has given me life everlasting. Father, I take the wisdom and truth of Your word for today to my heart. As I search my heart several times a day, remind me to take proper steps to restore the calm if anything is disturbing my peace. May Your peace, which transcends all understanding guard my heart and my mind.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Nov. 14 2010 - Psalm 35 - 36 (OT) , Matthew 3 (NT).

God’s Love and Mine…