
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Know You By Name

I will do this thing also that you have asked, for you have found favor, loving-kindness, and mercy in My sight and I know you personally and by name [Exodus 33:17, AMP]

I remember a guy who was looking for a referee and had to meet a lecturer he admired. To his dismay, the lecturer said he did not know him. The guy insisted that he had always attended the lecturer's courses and had a good score in the exams. The lecturer simply replied, "there were too many of you, I cannot even recall your face."

There are many situations that are similar to this when it seems you are not significant e.g. working in a very big organization, being part of a large congregation, or being the smallest or youngest in a group, just to mention a few. It might seem like alot of effort is required from you before you can be noticed or even known.

Today your loving Father says "I will do this thing also that you have asked, for you have found favor, loving-kindness, and mercy in My sight and I know you personally and by name".  In the midst of billions, HE knows your name and HE knows you personally, everything about you and HE even sees your life ahead. You do not need any effort to make Him know you.

As you make your requests known to Him, remember that He knows you by name and His response to your request is not generic but specific and customized for you.

Suggestions for Prayer: Thank God for the personalized relationship HE has with you. Ask Him to show you how you could improve on the experiential relationship you have with Him.

Suggested Prayer Point for yourself - Pray for your finances. Pray that you will be a good steward of the finances God has placed in your hands. Ask Him to teach you how to live free of debt and where you have not been wise with your finances, let Him give you restoration, guidance and how you can increase your finances. Ask Him to teach you how to give. Supporting Scriptures - Ecclesiastes 5:19, Proverbs 28:27, Luke 12:29-31.

Suggested General Prayer Point - Pray for the salvation of members of your family. If all are saved, pray that they continue to grow and walk in the knowledge of who they are as children of God.

Joyful 'Toon For Today

God's Love and Mine, Rita.
One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Jan. 05 2010 - Genesis 12-14 (OT), Matthew 5 (NT).