
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

No Need To Waver

He did not waver ... regarding the promise..., being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.

These words of scripture are about Abraham who faced the fact that his body was as good as dead. He did not deny that fact. Yet he was not discouraged, because he was not looking at himself but at Almighty God. He was “fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.”

There are times when the facts and surrounding circumstances could be discouraging. You do not need to deny the fact. However, your Loving Father is the God of limitless resources and ability. He has the power to accomplish what He has promised. If you are unsure of whether what you desire is one of His promises, you can check the Bible, which is His words to you.

As you think on who God is, what He has done and what He can do, may you be fully persuaded that He is able to do what He has promised. You do not need to waver.

Prayer: My Loving Father, You are awesome, full of power and majesty. You are able to accomplish all You have promised, all by Yourself. As I make my prayers and requests known to You, I rely on You to fulfill Your promises in the way You know is best for me. Amen.

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Apr. 28 2010 - 1 Kings 18-20 (OT), Acts 13-14 (NT).

Suggested Prayer Point for yourself - Pray for vitality. Pray for energy and strength to do all the things that you need to do. Pray for the ability to live like Christ who was always strengthened to do what He was called to do. Pray that God will give you the power and energy and goodness to make life, of yourself and others, a great experience.

Suggested General Prayer Point - Pray for those in crises. Pray that anyone you know going through a crisis will learn how to rise above each and every crisis. Pray that they will have the conviction in their prayer life to understand that God's delays are not always denials.

Joyful 'Toon For Today

God's Love and Mine...