
Friday, March 5, 2010

I Will Write My Instructions On Your Heart

"But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day," says the Lord. "I will put my instructions deep within them, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people..."

Many a times you may have a desire in your heart to do something, but you may be hesitant, with the reason that you are waiting on God to speak directly to you. It is God who has given you the desire. Because the desire comes from your heart, you may wonder if it is God who is speaking to you. Your path is to step out in response to that God-given desire.

Once you are saved, you have a brand new heart, and you can trust the promptings of your heart because your Loving Father dwells in you and He leads you from within. His promptings will never contradict His Word. It will lead you to good success.

Often, you find that when you follow your inner promptings, it is actually God who has put those desires in your mind and written them on your heart. The instructions are written deep within your heart. Because God has given you a new heart, He will write His desires on it. And as you fulfill these desires in line with God's will, you will bring forth fruit, and not wither and die. Whatever you do will prosper!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the new heart you gave me when I accepted Your gift of salvation. Thank You that Your Spirit dwells in me. Almighty Father, I pray that I will be sensitive to the presence of the Holy Spirit in me and utilize the great power residing in me. I pray that I do not walk in the flesh but walk in the Spirit, that I may be able to differentiate and respond to the desires which You have put in my heart rather than respond to my worldy desires. May You continue to guide me and show me the way to walk in. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Mar. 05 2010 - Deut. 21-23 (OT), Luke 12: 1-34 (NT).

Suggested General Prayer Point - Today is day 4 of a week of praying for one or more members of your family. Take one (or more) member(s) of your family and pray for the person(s). If you need to mend a relationship with such person(s), seize the opportunity to do so.

God's Love and Mine...