Acquaint now yourself with God and be at peace...
When Job was going through a trying period, one of his friends, Eliphaz, gave him good counsel though it was built upon a false supposition that Job was a wicked man and now a stranger and enemy to God. But the counsel is important today to the children of God.
Acquaint now yourself with God. It is your duty at all times, especially when you are going through affliction, to familiarize with God, to get experiential knowledge about God, and quiet yourself in God your Loving Father. The time is now when you learn and fall in with His interests, and no longer act in opposition to Him. It is time to agree with Him. It is time to fix your affections on Him, join yourself to Him in a covenant of friendship, and then set up, and keep up constant communication with Him.
And be at peace. Be at peace with yourself, not fretful, uneasy, and in confusion. Do not let not your heart be troubled. Be at peace with your loving Father. Many turn away from God when they face challenges. But now is the time to make Him your closest friend. You need to be at peace with Him to acquaint yourself with Him. And if possible, be at peace with all men.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, it is an honour that, because of Jesus Christ, I can come boldly to Your throne of grace and have an enriching acquaintance with You. I pray Almighty Father for the desire to spend time with You and get to know more of You. The Israelites looked to You for guidance in the cloud by day and the fire by night. They learned when to wait and when to walk. Teach me endurance in the waiting times and teach me to trust You for the future as we walk together. Whether You are moving me forward or keeping me still, my hope is in You for You are my peace. Teach me to be at peace with myself, with You and with others. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.