Jesus said to her, “First, let the children eat all they want. It’s not right to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.”
The bible in Mark 7:24-30 gives an account of the faith of a Syrophoenician woman who is not a descendent of Abraham. She came to Jesus and asked Him to heal her daughter by casting out a demon that possessed her. Jesus told the woman that it was not fitting to take the children’s bread and cast it or give it to people of another Nations. Jesus called the healing that this woman was seeking, the children’s bread. In other words, healing is the rightful, normal, expected sustenance of the children of God - it's their inheritance. If you are a child of God then it is your right to receive healing. God has promised many times in His word that it His will to heal us.
You can only act in faith when you know the will of God on any matter. That's why we have the Bible today, it is God's will in written form. This woman had an understanding that Jesus was the Messiah, that He was not only able to heal, but that He was willing to do so. Based on that understanding, she was not going to let Jesus pass her by, though she was not one of the "children". She had boldness as a result of her faith, which was based upon knowledge, and she acted on it. Most people would have looked at their own shortcomings, their own unrighteousness, their own inadequacies, and would have been stopped right there - but not her. She was not stopped by her shortcoming. She knew her rights hence she persevered and insisted. She got her eyes off herself and on to the Healer!
Healing is the Children's bread and this is the will of God. Search the word of God to know His will concerning any situation. Build your faith on knowledge and the truth. Allow God to reveal to you steps to take towards your healing and restoration. Do not let lack of knowledge or your perceived shortcomings deny you what is yours.
Prayer: My Loving Father, healing which was purchased through the plan of salvation is truly the children's bread, and I am included. Thank You. I receive healing today for my body and soul (mention any specific area you you want healing for). In Jesus Name, Amen.
One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - July 28 2010 - Ecclesiastes 11 - 12, Songs Of Solomon 1-2 (OT), 1 Timothy 4-5 (NT).
Pray for someone today - Pray for those who are going in for surgery. Entrust them to the care of God and pray that the medical professionals will be guided with wisdom and skill as they go about the surgery. Pray that they will identify and remove the root of the illness. Pray for the quick restoration to sound health of those who are undergoing surgery. If you know of anyone in this situation, lift that person up in prayer today.
God’s Love and Mine…