
Friday, July 30, 2010

Nothing Is New Under The Sun

History merely repeats itself. It has all happened [italized word replaced been done] before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.
[Ecclesiastes 1:9, NLT]

Have you ever had the feeling when you are passing through a situation, that you are alone in it and no one else could have had it as rough as you?

The truth is there is nothing happening now that has not happened before. The bible gives account of several challenges people have gone through, even at all levels of life. Job lost all he owned, including family, and was plagues will illness; Sarah did not bear a child of her own until old age; Naomi was a widow who lost her 2 sons, Rachel had to wait for her man for 7 years (and even compete with her sister), Joseph, son of Jacob, passed through many challenges before he eventually got to the place God had shown him when he was young. In all these we learn that God is faithful to His word, He wiped away tears, and He restored.

You might say these are bible characters, many years ago, or probably God was different then. God is never changing. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He still performs miracles today. If you care to look around you, you will see people who are hurting. You will also see those who have passed through situations and came out strong. You will find men that from poverty-stricken homes became prosperous; you will find women who waited for Mr. Right and eventually got him. You will find women who have waited on God for fruit of the womb and today are carrying their children. You will find people who, with good grades could not get a job on time but eventually got something magnificent.

If you find yourself in a situation where it seems like there is no way out, remember nothing is new under the sun. Someone else has passed through what you are going through. Some may have come out victorious. Some may have grown and learnt from the situation. Others may have given in to self-pity, seclusion, wallowing, or wasted their lives. With God, you can be sure of the victory. Which path will you follow today?

Prayer: My Loving Father, thank You for being the same One True God, yesterday, today and forever. You are the One who has always stepped in, right on time, for several people in times past. When I feel like I am going through a situation no one understands or no one has ever passed through, I am grateful that I have You who understands, who sees all my tears and feels my pain. Also, I realize that nothing is new under the sun. There is nothing that will happen now that has not happened before. With You, I am sure of victory. May I continue to trust You and fix my eyes on You no matter what I go through. In Jesus Name, Amen.

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - July 30 2010 - Song Of Solomon 7- 8, Isaiah 1-2 (OT), 2 Timothy 1 (NT).

Pray for someone today - Recall any situation you have passed through and have come out victorious. Pray for anyone you know going through a similar situation. Pray that the person has the grace and strength to bear, and would walk with God to find the way out.

God’s Love and Mine…