
Friday, July 16, 2010

Tested Faith

"Let us go over to the other side."

Even though we follow Christ's command, there are times we will encounter the storm. In this passage of Scripture [Mark 4: 35-41], the disciples were obeying His command, yet they encountered the fiercest of storms and were in great danger of being drowned. In their distress, they cried out for Christ's help.

Sometimes when you are facing a difficult time in your life, it may seem as if God is asleep, unconcerned about what you are going through, and regardless of your prayers, it seems He delays in responding to you. But Your Loving Father is not willing that any should perish, much less you who is His child. When it seems He is delayed, it is simply so your faith may be tested and strengthened. His purpose is also that your prayers will be more powerful, your desire for deliverance will be greater, and when deliverance finally comes you will appreciate it more fully.

Note that though Jesus Christ slept in a storm (amidst the noise and turbulence), he was awaked by the cry of His people. God's ears and heart are always available for His children. When it seems like you do not know what to do, cry out to Him. He will incline His ears to your voice.

Of course, it is much easier to trust God when the sun is shining than to trust Him when the storm is raging around us. Yet you will never know your level of faith until it is tested in a storm. Your Savior is always on board. His presence makes the difference and would give you the victory.

Prayer: My Loving Father, I know that You will never give me anything that is too difficult for me to bear. Thank You that no matter what I go through, You are always with me and You will never forsake me. I pray for times when my faith will be tested. May I not faint under the test or take my eyes off You. Rather, I pray for strength and for wisdom to make the right decisions. In such times, may Your peace surround me and may I be reminded of Your unfailing love for me no matter where I am. In Jesus Name, Amen.

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - July 16 2010 - Psalms 126 -135 (OT), 1 Thessalonians 1-2 (NT).

Pray for someone today - Pray for NGOs that are focused on improving the lives of people. Pray concerning their funding, supplies, personnel, and the ministry. Thank God for the lives that have been saved or improved as a result of such organizations. Pray that the leaders will be encouraged, have wisdom and be filled with the Spirit of God.

God’s Love and Mine…