
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Celebrating Success

Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: "Never again will I curse the ground because of man..."

Noah's story is a proverbial case of thanking the doer, and he'll do more. In direct response to God's awesome interaction with his household, Noah gathered everyone together and offered a sacrifice of thanksgiving, acknowledging the One who had done this great thing in their lives. The only family unit that was spared when an entire generation of human race was wiped out! Noah did not hesitate to show his heartfelt appreciation, and God did not hesitate to show He accepted their worship. He poured out blessing upon blessing upon blessing on them even to unborn generations, because Noah worshiped. Imagine if Noah had not worshiped...

The Ancient of Days still steps into our lives in amazing ways that leave His footprints all over us. Great victories are attained, great successes are achieved, great deliverance's are born, great works that are obviously God's doing in our lives. Living in a society that is rife with 'owambe' or celebrations, organizing parties to celebrate a promotion or breakthrough before thanksgiving is becoming a trend. We may find ourselves hitting the next social spot for a flamboyant celebration with friends and family. At the end of the day, we may be too tired and excited to give a proper thanksgiving to the doer of the great deed, but this could also deprive us of the opportunity to receive the full package of blessings that will establish our joy and that of unborn generations.

As we put God back into the scene of our achievements and breakthroughs, may our heartfelt worship, thanksgiving and praise be acceptable unto Him in Jesus name.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I acknowledge all you've done in my life, I say thank you Lord. I receive your word with obedience to put you first in all I do. Teach me to worship you in the way that is acceptable to you and let my blessings be established by your grace in Jesus name.

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Aug. 25 2010 - Lamentations 4-5 (OT), 1 Thessalonians 3(NT).

Pray for someone today - Pray for countries that are thorn with natural disaster like Pakistan. That God of mercy will hold back the floods and help His people.

God's love and mine...