
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Convenient Christianity

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it

[Matthew 16:25, NIV]

So many things to do today, so little time to do them. That’s what our world has turned into. Shorter and shorter processing times are invented to make life more convenient. Micro-waved foods, drive-thru take away, condensed episodes of our favorite TV programs, super condensed church services.

With this jet pace, some have tried to make the Christian life more convenient, choosing to practice Christianity on Sunday only. They attend a religious service at whatever church makes them most comfortable, which doesn’t grate on their lifestyles, they give an offering and are nice to fellow church goers – nothing that requires much effort on their part. This way they can have the rest of the week to themselves, to live as they please.

That would be a convenient Christianity, but we know that following Jesus is not a walk of convenience. It is a life-style and not a Sunday-only convenience. Being a disciple calls for giving up our lives for Him. It’s about living as Jesus calls us to live, daily giving up our plans and purposes for His. A relationship with Him causes us to be conscious of our thoughts, decisions, attitudes, and actions. This is to make our lives wholesome and to please God. Whoever loses his life for Christ’s sake will find it.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I ask forgiveness for my attitude to Christianity, only doing that which is convenient for me. Thank you for your word that reminds me of the constant lifestyle of living in Christ requiring me to consistently walk in obedience. Give me the strength Holy Spirit to live in your obedience and not my convenience, I pray in Jesus name.

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Sept 12 2010 - Ezekiel 47-48 (OT), 2 Timothy 4 (NT).