
Saturday, October 30, 2010

To the fearful....Do not be afraid

Say to those with fearful hearts,"Be strong, do not fear;
       your God will come, He will come with vengeance;
       with divine retribution ,He will come to save you."
[Isaiah 35:4] 

Fear is defined as a feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.This feeling of anxiety can sometimes cripple us. Sometimes we find ourselves thinking of the situations we find ourselves in at the moment, and how we've been here for longer than we expected to be, We ask  ourselves "What if this doesn't pass, what if it has come to stay?". We let our thoughts linger long and then fear creeps in. Fear leads to a diminishing of our faith, which in turn leads to depression, and then our emotions take over. Rather than be controlled by what the word has spoken we are controlled by our fears.

Today, I urge you, Be strong and fear not, strengthen the feeble arms and  make firm those feeble and tottering knees(Isaiah 35:3). Don't allow this storm push you till you loose focus, but keep your eyes fixed on the Lord that you may stand firm and not sink because right there, in the midst of the chaos that surrounds, only God makes sense, so speak to your heart, speak to that fear, speak the Word until it becomes more real to you that the present situation. Ask of Him who gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak, for He has promised to  make rivers flow on barren heights and to turn the desert into pools of water.

He knows about the fire and the flood, but He has promised to be with you when you pass through the waters, and they will not overwhelm you, He promised that you would not he burned when you pass through the fire, so hold firm and do not allow these fears rob you of the benefits of your position in Christ.

Prayer: Lord, right now I feel overwhelmed, but I find comfort in Your words, and I find comfort in Your presence. Strengthen my heart and my spirit, help me to mount up with wings like an eagle. Though the storms may rage, let Your face ever be before me. I surrender my heart to You, thank You for the strength that I find in You

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan -   Oct. 30 2010 -   Psalms 9-10 (OT), Revelations 11 (NT).