
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Broken for Purpose

When a farmer plows the ground for planting, does he plow continually?
Does he keep on breaking up and harrowing the soil? 
After he has leveled the surface of the ground, does he not sow dill and scatter cumin? 
Does he not plant wheat in furrows, barley in its appointed plot,
and spelt along the edge of the field?
[Isaiah 28:24-25]
God is a God of order and plan, and just like in nature, things follow a preset process, so it is with our walk with Him. For the seed within us to bear fruit, the soil of our lives would need to first be plowed (broken or tilled), this process can be extremely uncomfortable, but we have a comfort in knowing that we are being broken for the fulfillment of our divine purpose.

Allowing God's work of plowing to be completed in us, allowing ourselves to be totally broken before Him, allows Him to move on to the next phase. The plowing period is not forever, after the plowing comes the sowing, without the plowing, there is no sowing, without the sowing there would be no fruits, without fruit, what then is our purpose for life? So if indeed our hearts desire is to bear much fruit, let us surrender to Gods plowing process.

God uses several methods in breaking His people, depending on the unique weakness or blind spots of each individual, but all for the same purpose, to bring us to the end of self and to the place of total surrender. This does not mean that the process of brokenness would bring us to a state of sadness or depression, on the contrary, when we yield to God's working, it becomes the flavor of the our joy and praise and witness as Christians.

The LORD is near to them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit (psalm 34:18), its is a blessed thing to be broken before God, because, this marks the start of a wonderful walk with Him, and we never get beyond it in this life but it marks our walk for as long as we remain on earth .We  remain broken and contrite all the way home

Prayer: Lord, daily I ask that You break me and mold me till I become all that You desire me to be. No matter how much I may squirm at each new phase, I surrender to the totality of Your will for my life. I thank You for Your love that instructs, Your love that corrects and Your love that perfects. In you I am made whole. Help me embrace your process throughout my walk with You, In Jesus Name. Amen

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Dec. 16 2010 - Psalms 89-90 (OT), Mark 2 (NT)