About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them
[Acts 16:25, NIV]
[Acts 16:25, NIV]
The night represents a time of darkness and quiet, a time when some get restful sleep while perpetrators of evil seek to do harm. Night can also be used metaphorically to represent unpleasant times in a person's life. It easily interchanges with periods of depression, sorrow, pain or hardship. Life in itself is replete with nights and troubles to which every person on earth is exposed. The outcome a night period could brighten the succeeding day or dampen it further, leaving the victim on a long recovery path.
Paul and Silas faced such a night time in prison and we can take a cue from them in Acts 16:25-26, About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose. The duo used the night time to effectively use the weapon of praise to break the yoke upon them and set other captives free. They acted contrary to the behavioral demands of night time, which is to sleep, fold hands, hang heavy shoulders and be bowed down in sadness and tears. When we convert the night times of our lives to a time of praying and singing, we can be sure that God who doesn't sleep will come down to receive our praise offering. And when He comes down to inhabit our praise, we can be sure that miracles will follow.
In the case of Peter in Acts 12:5-7, we see that he was sleeping during his night time, however the Church was praying earnestly on his behalf, thereby releasing a breakthrough. The night time is strategic for receiving breakthrough, if we don't get lured into complacence. Let your attitude towards the night's of life be praying and praising God, and you will receive undeniable breakthroughs in Jesus name.
Prayer: Lord, your word remains the same. Please grant me the courage to look beyond present overwhelming circumstances to your ever-present faithfulness. Let my whole being praise you for who you are. Lord I return the thanksgiving of my deliverance to you now and always in Jesus name.
One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Sept. 25 2010 - Amos 1-3 (OT), Hebrews 8-10 (NT).