
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Go Inside And Shut The Door Behind You

...go inside and shut the door behind you...

The widow and her two sons were to be alone with God. They had to be isolated from everyone, separated from human reasoning, and removed from the natural tendencies to prejudge their circumstance. They had to be at that point where they were depending on God alone and in touch with the Source of miracles.

Most times, the methods and things you are used to could stand in your way of hearing from God, having faith and receiving God’s best. In walking with your Loving Father, do not be afraid when He takes away all the supports your normally lean upon, and remove your ordinary ways of doing things. He desires that you enter a secret chamber of isolation in prayer and faith, which is very fruitful.

When God builds a mysterious wall around you, know that He is closing you off to something divine, completely new and unexpected. It will be something so special and unique in the way He goes about it, that He needs you in a place where you can receive it. He needs you isolated from voices that would say you cannot have it, images that say you do not deserve it and any distraction to your faith. He needs you to be detached from outward things and be attached inwardly to Him alone in order to see His wonders. In such place of isolation, your intimacy with your Loving Father increases.

Are you in a situation where you find yourself drawn closer to God in a place of isolation? Are you at a point where you feel it is God alone that can help you? If you are, know that your Loving Father is leading you to an unpredictable yet special situation. You will enjoy the fruit of having your expectations coming from Him alone.

Prayer: My Loving Father, thank You for always desiring the best for me. When it seems I am going about things my own way, which could make me not receive Your best, You find a way of putting me back on the right track. Father, I pray that when I see Your wall around me, I will not fear or be anxious, but rather trust You and give in to Your plans for my life. I pray that when I am in a place of isolation with You alone, that I will learn all I need to and be patient to receive what You have for me. May I experience the sweetest discoveries of You this period. In Jesus Name, Amen.

One-Year Daily Bible Reading Plan - Apr. 22 2010 - 1 Kings 11-13 (OT), Acts 10 (NT).

Suggested Prayer Point for yourself – Pray for Your Peace. Pray that as this new day unfolds, God will help you to put the cares and problems of the world far behind you. Pray for peace to your heart and tranquility to your mind and the ability to see God as your rock of stability and fortress.

Suggested General Prayer Point - Pray for the old people. Thank God for their lives and length of years they have lived. Pray that they will not be deserted by their loved ones. Pray that even at their old age, they will continue to impart wisdom and blessings to their younger generation.

God's Love and Mine...